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Marque de bateau américaine créé en 1945, désormais présente dans plus de 40 pays.

Rinker compte aujourd’hui 22 modèles, chacun répondant à une attente différente, tout en gardant l’esprit de fonctionnalité et le design de la marque. Beaucoup d’options peuvent être ajoutées sur chacun d’entre eux.

Uninautic, en tant que spécialiste de la marque, procède à tous les services nécessaires.


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    In the beginning, the Rinker Boat Company was founded by boat lovers.

    They brought their passion for life on the water with them to work every day, making Rinker their life’s work. It was through their drive and desire to build something better that the Rinker way was formed, trickling down from their hearts to their hands and into every boat they made.

    Today that same passion holds true, bestowed upon every boat that bears the Rinker name. From the QX line of sport boats to the EX express cruisers every Rinker comes with the confidence you are receiving a value unfound anywhere else in the industry.

    Rinker continues to take that mantra and belief in value, further by introducing new drives and performance packages while combining features into the Captain’s Choice to deliver additional savings to its customers.

    Every Rinker is built in Syracuse, Indiana on the shores of Lake Wawasee— built under the Midwestern values of hard work, attention to detail and a dedication to craftsmanship. The result? A boat you can be proud of, a boat for boat lovers.

    Since the 1930s, every Rinker comes with a promise, a dedication to the idea of getting more than you pay for, and a passion for boating.